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      Ready to Get Fit, Get Strong, Shed Fat, and Party Like a Rockstar?

      Fitness coaching for women who are ready to break free from diets and all the confusing messages out there about weight loss, nutrition, and fitness. Getting healthy & fit can be fun, when done right! 

      Work With Us

      Ready to Get Fit, Get Strong, Shed Fat, and Party Like a Rockstar?

      Fitness coaching for busy women who are ready to break free from all the confusing messages out there about weight loss, nutrition, and fitness. Getting healthy & fit can be fun, when done right! 

      Work With Us

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        It’s time to take back control of your health & fitness and live life like the confident Rockstar you are meant to be.

        Ever since pursuing a career and raising your family, your fitness routine has been virtually non-existent.

        Most days, you barely have enough energy or time to chase after your kids, finish the endless piles of laundry, or clean up the kitchen… let alone plan out healthy dinners or actually stick to the latest diet or fitness program you found on Pinterest. And driving to the gym or going for a run feels as impossible as doing a cartwheel at your age. 

        starYou’re exhausted at the end of each day.

        starYou’re tired of struggling with an all-or-nothing/on-again, off-again mindset with your nutrition and health.

        starYou can't even count how many times you have lost and gained weight.

        starYou’ve lost a sense of self-confidence and feel overwhelmed at where to start.

        Deep down, you know you’ve got to make a change. 

        You’re ready to make an effort to put yourself first, so you can start feeling like your Rockstar self again.

        Welcome to

        Rock That Fitness

        We’ve been in your shoes, and we’re here to help you take back your health & fitness so you can finally have confidence and live like the happy woman you are meant to be! It's so easy to let life control us and end up neglecting our own self-care.

        Below are some ways to work with our team!


        Welcome to

        Rock That Fitness

        We’ve been in your shoes, and we’re here to help you take back your health & fitness so you can finally have confidence and live like the happy woman you are meant to be! It's so easy to let life control us and end up neglecting our own self-care.

        Below are some ways to work with our team!

        “I noticed Anna had such energy and she was doing all THE things I had given up. I watched for a while, then my thoughts were ‘she is only a couple of years younger than me, I can do these things too!’”


        Explore Our Programs

        Learn how we can help you transform your body & mind.

        Explore Our Programs

        Learn how we can help you transform your body & mind.


        Rock That Fitness Group Membership

        An online group coaching program for women who are ready to take back control of your health & fitness and live like the confident rockstar you are meant to be. We offer structured strength workouts, weekly trainings, and a passionate community of other Rockstars to share struggles, goals and wins along the way.

        Tell Me More

        Rock that Fitness 1:1 Virtual Coaching

        Rock That Fitness 1:1 Coaching is our personalized private coaching program to take you center stage Rockin' self-confidence in your personal health & fitness goals. If you are serious about making lasting health & fitness changes and ready to become the best version of YOU, apply now, and let's get your RESULTS started!

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        *fat loss, strength, body shaping*

        Rock That Fitness 6 Week Kickstart

        Your 6 Week Kickstart for your personal nutrition for fat loss, strength, body shaping & mindset to develop your fit Rockstar Life!

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        Hey Girl, I’m Anna!

        Founder of Rock that Fitness

        At Rock that Fitness, our online coaching programs don’t just help you lose weight or learn how to eat healthy. They allow you to finally take back control of your life. Because where most fitness programs only provide you with short-term results, our approach sets you up for lasting change so you learn how to create your own unique healthy fit Rockstar life. 

        We’re here to change the way you think about health & fitness.

        Hey Girl, I’m Anna!

        Founder of Rock that Fitness

        At Rock that Fitness, our online coaching programs don’t just help you lose weight or learn how to eat healthy. They allow you to finally take back control of your life. Because where most fitness programs only provide you with short-term results, our approach sets you up for lasting change so you learn how to create your own unique healthy fit Rockstar life. 

        We’re here to change the way you think about health & fitness.

        Our mission is to help women be more fit, strong, and healthy and have a physique they’re proud of without having to suffer from dieting and being in the gym all the time.

        It’s about time to say goodbye to the version of you who has struggled to find balance with nutrition, health, fitness, and life so that you can finally feel more confident and satisfied in your body and health. Let us show you the way.

        Here’s What Past Clients Have Said…

        Join 100+ other women around the USA — discover what it means to rock your fitness!
        "I want to share a little bit about myself before & after Rock That Fitness came into my life

        I'm 52 years young and have always been on the thin side. I've had an active career and a pretty active lifestyle. But, in my mid-forties I started noticing my body changing and I wasn't moving as easily as I had in the past.  I experienced a slight weight increase but, more importantly, muscle loss. I knew I needed to get real about taking better care of myself.  I tried going to the gym and eating better but I just couldn't stick with it until I found Rock That Fitness about 7 months ago. And let me tell you, it was a game changer!

        I started showing up for myself and going to the gym 3 days a week. This group has an amazing workout app that is so easy to use and keeps track of everything for you. I've gotten so much STRONGER, not just in the gym, but in my everyday life. I can move easier again! My feet and lower back stopped aching.

        I have never had to count calories and surprisingly, it's not as hard as I thought. Our coaches teach you how to set a calorie deficit or maintenance, whichever one you need, and guide you to stick with it. I'm already down the 12 pounds that I needed to lose and I'm putting on some sexy MUSCLE!!! 😁

        My clothes fit so much better and I can't tell you how much more CONFIDENCE I have!  My positive ENERGY towards myself reflects on everyone around me.

        I love being a part of this amazing community of women too. They are there for each other with ideas, recipes and the encouragement is unbelievable!

        Coach Anna and Coach Abby (The A Team 😍) are absolutely the best! They answer any questions I have, even the dumb ones. Through the weekly Zoom calls and FB Live meetings, they stay readily available for us. Oh, and the monthly challenges are fun!

         All that to say, I highly recommend this group for a better stronger you!"

        "Rock That Fitness has been life-changing for me!

        Since putting into practice all of the tools that Coach Anna and Coach Abby put into place, I have lost 45 pounds, along with my cholesterol and blood sugar going down. The changes were not immediate. It took some time for me to put everything together and make it all a habit. The way I eat and my nutrition focus is different. I now prefer eating healthily, so making good choices when I am with other people isn’t as hard.

        My Fitness level is also much improved. I notice when doing everyday things you don’t usually think about. I don’t do much cardio, but I can tell when walking with other people they are breathing hard, and I am not out of breath. My strength is surprising. Sometimes, I don’t realize how much STRONGER I am until I pick something up or move something that used to feel heavy. Now, I can do it without a problem.

        My physique has been TRANSFORMED. I can feel muscles in my thighs, arms, and stomach. I have lost inches throughout my entire body, even in my calves, and I can see muscles in them! I fit into a pair of boots that zip over them, which I have never been able to do before. I fit into clothing that I have never been able to bring up past my knees. My bra size has decreased, and I can wear a size M t-shirt. That blows my mind! I used to wear XL, and sometimes those were tight on me.

        The most significant change that I noticed in myself is my MINDSET. Before joining RTF, I never would have thought I would say that. I would think the most important thing would be to lose fat. Once your mindset changes and you are no longer cutting yourself down and thinking bad about yourself, it is freeing. I have so much more CONFIDENCE in myself than I have ever had before. This positively affects every aspect of my life. My relationship with my husband, children, and extended family is better. At work, I am more confident and able to express myself better. It is just amazing the difference feeling good about yourself makes.

        The best tool we are given in RTF to accomplish our personal goals is our private Facebook page for members only. This is a group of like-minded women you can talk to, cheer up, praise their accomplishments, and they will do the same for you. If I am ever feeling disconnected or unsure, I go on the page and read inspiring things from other women who are Rockin' their Fitness!! I also had a one-on-one coaching session with Coach Abby that was amazing! Her input into my calorie deficit and protein goals helped me overcome a plateau I had been on for a few months. I now see this group of women, most of whom I have never met, as my friends.

        Meet Coach Anna

        Founder of Rock That Fitness

        Hey, Girl! I'm a 53-year-young mom of 3 adult kiddos and married to the greatest Country Boy in the world. I'm the lead singer of my cover band here in Corpus Christi and love to entertain! I love being active with strength training, running, and cycling, I also enjoy enjoy hiking, camping, and the beach.

        I haven't always been this strong, athletic & fit!  I definitely haven't always had the mindset to maintain it, either.

        I have struggled with my weight most of my adult life. I can't even count how many times I have lost and gained weight. My last and final time to lose weight was through WW at the beginning of 2017 for a loss of over 60 pounds. However, I have moved beyond diets to dial in what it takes to not just KEEP THE FAT OFF, but maintain a strong fit physique through structured strength training & proper nutrition.  I'm ready to help YOU do the same! 

        Let’s Get This Party Started!

        Are you ready to learn how to care for yourself, love yourself, believe in yourself and rock your fitness? We’re ready to coach you toward your goals!

        Explore Our Programs

        Listen to the PODCAST

        ROCK THAT FITNESS with AnnaRockstar Podcast

        Tune in every week for talks with our founder, Anna, on how to transform your body and mind.

        Real talk about truly living life to the fullest at any age by transforming your mind and body... living your best fit ROCKSTAR life.

        Your host, certified personal trainer, nutrition coach and registered nurse, Anna Wilson helps you understand the facts about nutrition for fat loss, the benefits of strength training and how to transform your mind to get lasting results!

        Subscribe & Listen Now


        Listen to the PODCAST

        ROCK THAT FITNESS with AnnaRockstar Podcast

        Tune in every week for talks with our founder, Anna, on how to transform your body and mind.

        Real talk about truly living life to the fullest at any age by transforming your mind and body... living your best fit ROCKSTAR life.

        Your host, certified personal trainer, nutrition coach and registered nurse, Anna Wilson helps you understand the facts about nutrition for fat loss, the benefits of strength training and how to transform your mind to get lasting results!

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