Rock That Fitness Podcast

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RTF# 45 From Struggles to Success: How RockStar Spotlight of the Month Janelle Sullivan Changed Her Life with Rock That Fitness!

Rock That Fitness Podcast

This month's Rockstar spotlight is Janelle Sullivan and I have a feeling that many of you are going to relate to her story. She comes from an athletic background and has tried a variety of fitness styles but never really found the community she was hoping for.

Thankfully, Janelle joined Rock That Fitness in June 2022 and has been killing it.

Janelle opens up about her previous struggles with lingering injuries, metabolic issues, constant dieting, and being stuck on the cardio hamster wheel, unable to achieve the results she desired.

Since joining Rock That Fitness, Janelle has been focusing on strength training, hitting her macros, and sleeping better which has allowed her to be able to reach her fitness goals injury free.

Janelle's story is relatable and inspiring, showcasing the power of perseverance and finding the right fitness approach for your needs.



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Listen to the Podcast Episode Here. 


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